Hilarious Work Quotes to Start the Week with a Smile

This collection of hilarious work quotes is sure to start your week off with a big smile. From witty one-liners about office life to clever quips about the daily grind, these quotes are a lighthearted reminder that it’s okay to laugh at the often stressful and chaotic world of work. Whether you’re dreading another Monday morning meeting or counting down the days until Friday, these quotes will bring a much-needed dose of humor and perspective to your workweek. So kick back, relax, and enjoy a chuckle or two as you tackle whatever challenges come your way.

funny monday work quotes


Hilarious Work Quotes to Start the Week

Start your week off with a bang by cracking up at these hilarious work quotes that will leave you in stitches. From witty observations about the office culture to relatable struggles of the workday grind, these quotes are sure to brighten your Monday and set a humorous tone for the rest of the week. Whether you’re battling with the office printer or trying to survive another meeting that could have been an email, these quotes will remind you that laughter is the best way to tackle any challenge that comes your way at work. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and get ready to laugh your way through the week with these side-splitting work quotes.

funny monday work quotes

1. I always give 100% at work: 13% Monday, 22% Tuesday, 26% Wednesday, 35% Thursday, 4% Friday.
2. The only thing getting me through this Monday is the thought of Friday.
3. Coffee: because adulting is hard and Monday’s are rough.
4. I can’t adult today, can Monday come back later?
5. Work tip: stand up. Stretch. Take a walk. Go to the airport. Get on a plane. Never return.
6. Monday is a fresh start. It’s never too late to dig in and begin a new journey of success.
7. I’m so excited for it to be Monday again, said no one ever.
8. May your coffee be strong and your Monday be short.
9. If Monday had a face, I would punch it.
10. Monday should be optional.
11. Realizing it’s Monday is the worst way to wake up.
12. Mondays are like a math problem. Add the irritation, subtract the sleep, multiply the problems, and divide the happiness.
13. The only way I can get through Monday is with a hefty dose of sarcasm and caffeine.
14. Monday is like a math problem. Add the irritation, subtract the sleep, multiply the problems, and divide the happiness.
15. I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. – Douglas Adams
16. To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone, and a funny bone. – Reba McEntire
17. Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday. – Don Marquis
18. Remember, the only way to get through Monday is to pretend it’s not Monday.

Funny Monday Work Quotes

Start your week with a laugh by sharing these hilarious Monday work quotes with your colleagues. From sarcastic remarks about the weekend being too short to jokes about needing more coffee to survive the day, these quotes perfectly capture the struggles and humor of starting a new work week. With a touch of wit and a dash of humor, these funny quotes are sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face as they navigate through their Monday tasks. So embrace the chaos of the work week and let these quotes remind you that it’s okay to find the humor in the daily grind.

funny monday work quotes

1. Monday: the day where even my coffee needs a coffee.
2. I drink coffee for your protection.
3. Not to brag, but I can turn a casual conversation into a PowerPoint presentation in 0.3 seconds on a Monday morning.
4. On Mondays, I like to set little goals for myself, like ‘survive the day’.
5. I’m not a morning person, or an afternoon person, or an evening person. I’m a get-back-in-bed person.
6. Monday is the day that makes me wish I had taken up meditation or wine tasting.
7. The only thing getting ‘lit’ on a Monday are my scented candles.
8. My Monday morning routine includes hitting the snooze button, dreading the day ahead, and counting down the minutes until happy hour.
9. I put the ‘pro’ in procrastinate on Mondays.
10. Monday is a reminder that even the best things in life have a beginning.
11. Coffee: because adulting is hard, especially on Mondays.
12. Nothing says ‘good morning’ like realizing it’s Monday.
13. May your coffee be strong and your Monday be short.
14. Think of Monday as a fresh start. But with a side of caffeine.
15. Mondays are like mini New Year’s resolutions every week – full of good intentions and questionable follow-through.
16. Monday: the day where even my email auto-responder needs an auto-responder.
17. If Monday had a face, I would punch it. But then I would probably need a nap afterwards.
18. When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day.

Hilarious Monday Work Quotes to Start Your Week with a Smile

Starting off the week with a chuckle is always a welcomed way to set a positive tone for the rest of the week, and Hilarious Monday Work Quotes to Start Your Week with a Smile does just that. With witty and relatable quotes about the struggle of getting back into the work routine after a relaxing weekend, these quotes are sure to bring a smile to your face and lighten the Monday blues. Whether you’re a coffee addict, perpetually running late, or just in need of a good laugh to get through the day, these quotes will provide the perfect comedic relief to kickstart your work week with a smile.

funny monday work quotes

1. Mondays are the perfect day to start fresh and have a good laugh at work.
2. Who says Mondays have to be dull? Let’s start the week with a smile and some hilarious work quotes.
3. Laughing is the best way to kickstart your Monday at work. Let’s bring on the hilarity!
4. Work doesn’t have to be boring on Mondays. Let’s inject some humor and make the day fly by.
5. A little humor goes a long way on a Monday. Let’s start the week with a smile and a chuckle.
6. Life is too short to be serious on a Monday. Let’s lighten the mood with some hilarious work quotes.
7. Why dread Mondays when you can start the week with a laugh at work?
8. Mondays are a fresh start to a new week. Let’s make it a funny one with some hilarious work quotes.
9. Work may be tough, but laughter is the best medicine. Let’s bring on the jokes and start the week on a high note.
10. Why start the week on a sour note when you can start it with a smile and some hilarious work quotes?
11. Laughter is contagious, especially on a Monday. Let’s spread some humor around the office and make the day brighter.
12. Don’t let the Monday blues get you down. Kickstart your week with a chuckle and some hilarious work quotes.
13. Work doesn’t have to be a drag on Mondays. Let’s spice things up with some laughter and humor.
14. Mondays are for fresh starts and funny moments at work. Let’s make it a day to remember with some hilarious quotes.
15. A little laughter can make even the toughest Mondays easier to bear. Let’s brighten up the office with some hilarious work quotes.
16. Start your week off right with a smile and a good laugh. Mondays are better when you have a sense of humor.
17. Work may be serious, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun on a Monday. Let’s bring on the hilarity and make the day fly by.
18. Mondays are a blank canvas. Let’s paint it with humor and laughter at work.

Hilarious Monday Work Quotes to Start Your Week Off Right

Start your week off with a laugh by reading through these hilarious Monday work quotes that are guaranteed to brighten your day and put a smile on your face. Whether you’re dreading the start of a new work week or feeling motivated to tackle your tasks head-on, these funny and relatable quotes will have you chuckling and nodding in agreement. From witty observations about office life to clever quips about the challenges of Mondays, these quotes are the perfect way to kick off your week with a dose of humor and positivity.

funny monday work quotes

1. Mondays are the perfect time to start anew… or at least pretend to until Friday.
2. Nothing like starting the week off with a healthy dose of laughter at work.
3. If Mondays had a sense of humor, they would probably laugh at us for dreading them so much.
4. Embrace the chaos of Monday with a smile and a cup of coffee… or five.
5. Mondays are like your annoying co-worker – they never fail to show up, but at least you can laugh about it.
6. The best way to tackle Monday is with a positive attitude and a sarcastic comment or two.
7. Whoever said Mondays have to be boring clearly never worked in an office full of hilarious coworkers.
8. Monday is just another word for ‘challenging’ – but hey, at least it makes for good stories later.
9. Starting the week off with a laugh is like taking a shot of espresso – it just makes everything a little bit better.
10. If Mondays had a theme song, it would definitely be ‘I Will Survive’… with a sprinkle of sarcasm.
11. Monday is the perfect day to brush off the weekend cobwebs and tackle the week with a little humor.
12. The only way to make Monday better is by adding a touch of humor and a sprinkle of sarcasm.
13. Mondays are just like bad hair days – you can either let them bring you down or laugh it off and move on.
14. Starting the week with a laugh is like hitting the reset button on your attitude towards work.
15. Who says Mondays have to be stressful? Inject a little humor and watch the day fly by.
16. Mondays are like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re gonna get, but at least you can laugh about it.
17. Keep calm and laugh on – it’s just Monday, not the end of the world.
18. Mondays are a great reminder that no matter how tough the week ahead may seem, a little laughter can make it all better.

Incorporating humor into Monday work quotes can help employees start their week with a positive and lighthearted mindset, potentially increasing motivation and productivity throughout the week.

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